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Spiritual Truth and Law

God spirit religious intention God spirit religious truth God spirit religious law

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There are good Christian Spiritualists, too!

Are you living a spiritual life? Everyone has a purpose, and that purpose is simply to live a happy, fulfilled existence. To give others your kindness, compassion, to give others your BEST. To prove to yourself how far you can go in life, not attached to any results – but always pushing yourself to GROW, to develop your mind and spirit. To LIVE more. Life is meant to be experienced, so you’re here to have fun and explore. Your job is actually to simply be happy.This simple mind-set is what the Christian spiritualist beliefs are.

So what will make you happy, everyday, forever? Develop some happy habits like winning!  You win when you advance toward your goals in your weight routine or you make a significant number of Buffer posts, right? Did you exercise today, learn something new and help somebody?  Daily resolve conflicts i.e. let go of the emotional side of it—let go of the need to follow something to its bitter and probably pointless end.  Don’t let others use your emotions to hold you captive.

The spiritual life is a "path." It is more than doctrine or belief, so finding a Christian spiritualist church is not easy. It means that we set off on the spiritual path in response to something greater than ourselves. It may be a sudden and dramatic experience. It may be a long, slow process. But something happens to set us on the path. Living a spiritual lifestyle is a natural progression.

The "something" that happens to us is "God." The only way that we can experience God is within. All religious experience is an inner experience. Then we have to ask, "What is an authentic religious experience?"  After much study it becomes obvious that it’s a revelation caused by divine agency rather than ordinary natural processes. The experience is considered real encounters with God. This religious experience is a life-changing, ongoing experience and relationship.  In essence this is the spiritual life meaning.

How do we know what is an authentic religious experience?  How do we really hear God Once this occurs and you're doing it daily, the lifestyle develops naturally.  At this point you know that you are a spiritual being. When you surrender to God and listen to the voice of your deeper intelligence, you end the struggle. You free yourself from fear and doubt and release the obstacles your ego has created. The entire spiritual path could be described as learning to let go, but letting go all at once isn’t possible. The following tips to make your spiritual life healthy and rewarding work for me and probably you too!

Spiritual Life Tips You Need To Learn Now

Tip 1. What is the plan or a goal that you aim to achieve - your intention? Set your intentions high. Don’t strain to work wonders, but don’t deny them to yourself either. The beginning of mastery is vision; see the miracles around you, and that will make it easier for greater miracles to grow.Watch Wayne Dyer videos one two and three Everyday life is a kind of swirling chaos, and the ego is entrenched in its demands. You need to remind yourself, day in and day out, of your spiritual purpose. Some people find it helpful to write down their intentions; for others, periods of regular meditation and prayer are useful.

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