Lynn Louise Says

Faith, Jesus Christ lovers are

About Me

. . . . . .Lynn Louise Says . . .

Psalm 23

gospel quote

Matthew 5:44

gospel images

Lynn Louise is the person behind Travel and Religion - What a Combo, a blog that promises funny pieces on exploring the religious world. That said, Lynn Louise made sure that these About Me pages aren't too serious. For instance, she says, “I created this site so that I can yak about Bible tips, especially the unusual or offbeat.” Also, she hopes you enjoy her fav psalms songs, sayings and proverb quotes. Click to see fine art! On the Ark, Noah probably got milk from the cows. What did he get from the ducks? Quackers Why didn’t they play cards on the Ark? Because Noah was standing on the deck.

Scroll down to get even more juicy Lynn Louise bio info . . .

Psalm 16

gospel Romans

Romans 8:28

. . . . . . Did the Jesus miracles actually happen?

gospel psalm songs

Answer: The miracles are actual historical events, so it’s difficult to argue negatively. Did they happen as written? John’s gospel was written when there were still living eye witnesses. Eye witness accounts did differ, but didn’t cancel other statements, so again we must believe. God showed his greatness through miracles. First, through the Prophets of old, like Moses and Elijah; then through Jesus himself; and finally, through Jesus' apostles.

Scroll down to get even more juicy Lynn Louise bio info . . .

gospel proverbs

Don't miss the blog post Soul vs Holy Spirit with more spiritual info at the bottom - from 7 blog posts site!!!!

gospel miracle Jesus

Next page has even more info on Lynn Louise ----->

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