Lynn Louise Says

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3 Tips to God

God temptation mind health  God temptation mind health God temptation mind health

Tip 2. Allow God to take the lead. Most people are addicted to worry, control, micro-management, and doubt. Resist the temptation to follow these tendencies. Don’t listen to the voice that says you have to be in charge, that constant vigilance is the only way to get anything done. Instead, let God try a new way and be willing to experiment. Intend for everything to work out as it should, then let go and allow opportunities to come your way. The outcome you are trying so hard to force may not be as good for you as the one that comes naturally.

Tip 3. Let your soul blossom Over the years, you have formed likes and dislikes and learned to accept certain limits. None of this is the real you. You can’t force the real you to emerge all at once, however. Because it is painful to strip away the thick layers of illusion, you have to allow the soul to reveal itself in its own time.

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Why silence your mind? Video Silence may help your health in several ways, including: lowering blood pressure- improving concentration and focus- calming racing thoughts- stimulating brain growth- reducing cortisol- stimulating creativity- improving insomnia- encouraging mindfulness.

Quieting the mind might lead to a healthier brain. An animal study from 2013Trusted Source found that 2 hours of silence stimulated growth of new cells in the hippocampus in mice, the region of the brain related to memory and emotion. While this doesn’t necessarily mean humans will experience the same effects, it’s an intriguing invitation for further research.

Americans often use external stimuli — like devices or social media — to distract themselves from personal thoughts or feelings that are uncomfortable. Culturally, we tend to be less adept at managing boredom through creative pursuits or a meditation practice. Start NOW. Everyone knows that quieting the mind helps us develop the skills to have: More profound thoughts.-- Stronger relationships.-- Increased creativity.-- Improved communication skills.

Furthermore, if you're not happy with yourself, then change. You have the power. Most people compare themselves to others. Usually this is done through social media. STOP. Many people use social media as a tool to portray themselves in a significantly more favorable way than they would normally be. This has unfortunately also led to what I believe to be higher levels of narcissism among people in real-life and a lack of authenticity.

We expect people to put up facades and to follow the status quo. Also, you cannot expect a return when you’re being generous. Empathy is about the ability to listen to other people’s problems and understand what they are going through. When you’re incredibly empathetic and generous with others, it allows you to grow closer to the people that matter in your life.

Even without an expectation of return, you’ll find that your generosity and empathy will be rewarded eventually. Sometimes all it takes is trying to fix and improve what’s closest to you and affects you personally. Recognize that you can change the world — starting today — simply by changing yourself. The four steps I’ve outlined above are absolutely critical to making a positive impact on the world.

Enjoy the next page ------>

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