Lynn Louise Says

Faith, Jesus Christ lovers are

Lynn Louise

. . . . . .Lynn Louise Says . . .

Psalm 23:2

Jesus Apostle miracles

These Jesus and Apostle miracles are for our benefit, so that we are drawn to God through his Son, Jesus. That fact should make us feel important, because we really are. Denying God's miracles, since they are his, is denying God himself. Denying God's miracles, is denying his Son. Denying God's miracles, is denying and blaspheming the Holy Spirit, which is the ONLY unforgiveable sin. Denying God's miracles also denies his Holy Word, the Bible (Mark 8:38).

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Psalm 150

Jesus gospel John

John 4:18

. . . . . . Episcopalians do believe quite seriously

God scriptures Bible

that the Bible is the Word of God. However, most Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, Evangelical Lutherans, United Methodists, Presbyterians (USA), Congregationalists, and others typically view the Scriptures differently than Southern Baptists, Pentecostals, or others of the Fundamentalist side of the Church. It is important to remember, however, as we study the Holy Scriptures: Christ is perfect/the Bible is not. Christ is God/the Bible is not. We respect the scripture/we worship Christ.

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Jesus Apostle Paul miracles

Being baptized is also a way to be filled with the Holy Spirit and experience God's power - you will receive extraordinary power for Christ-exalting ministry. The Holy Spirit fills the believer’s mind with a genuine understanding of truth, takes possession of the believer’s abilities, and imparts gifts that qualify the believer for service in the body of Christ.

Jesus church baptism

The church receives you through baptism. This new commitment to Christ’s people fundamentally altered the fabric of their lives. The fruit of their commitment to one another was a rich, inviting communion with one another, a communion that inspired awe in outsiders (Acts 2:43). And the means by which they committed to one another was baptism.

Psalm 23:3

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