Lynn Louise Says

Faith, Jesus Christ lovers are

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Have you heard of Creative Nature?

Most of our thought processes originate from our subconscious mind and are oftentimes outside of our conscious awareness. Thoughts are things. Powerful things that stimulate a person’s imagination and are the source of everything we create.

Have you heard of Abundance?

Abundance is frequently mentioned in the Bible as something God offers to those: Who are diligent in pursuing God and Godly things. Seeking God should be a constant in your life if you want God to consistently bless you and your situation. Righteousness is a state of moral uprightness that can only be achieved through belief in Jesus and God’s plan of salvation. Being righteous doesn’t mean you’re perfect, but it does mean you follow God’s ways and believe in salvation. You are always seeking God’s ways and living them out in your own life. Also, keeping God’s commandments results in wealth and abundance. God knows we function at our best when we give of what we have, and he rewards us for it. Trusting God to do what His word says He will do is extremely important to gaining godly prosperity and wealth. If you can’t trust God to live up to His word, then why do you believe in the first place?

What other obstacles get in the way or off the path to abundance? Release negative energy. Correct your attitude. Proper prayer is needed.

How to pray for abundance? How to manifest what you want?

What is the science of prayer?

How to Pray

Pray like you mean it

Power of prayer or treatment.

Introduction to prayer

What's an affirmation? Affirmations are positive reminders or statements that can be used to encourage and motivate yourself or others. Plus, affirmations are a self-help strategy used to promote self-confidence and belief in your own abilities.

We all have negative and unhealthy thoughts about ourselves and how we live our lives at times, which is completely normal, affirmations when spoken or chanted to ourselves have the power to change the way think and act in our lives in a positive way, they can change our emotions, alter our behaviours and reassess our beliefs. Ultimately, they can help us to achieve our goals in life and achieve greatness.

For Affirmations to truly work, you need to repeat the affirmation daily, and truly believe in the words you are saying. For example “I will not compare myself to others.” Now that is an affirmation that is targeted to boost your self-confidence and your own self-worth, but you need to believe in that statement and repeat it 3 to 5 times a day according to psychotherapist Dr Ronald Alexander of Open Mind Training Institute.

Affirmations have the power to motivate you to act on certain things, help you to concentrate on achieving your goals in life, give you the power to change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns, assist you in accessing a new belief system, but above all, affirmations can reaffirm the positivity back into your life and help regain or increase your self-esteem.


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